When rival cartels place bounties for insulting YouTube songs, a Mexican singer has to escape across Mexico with an American arms dealer he hates, disguised as a priest and a rabbi.


The Hangover

Smokey And The Bandit

Midnight Run


Failed singer, ROGELIO (60), is trying to commit suicide in his Mexican desert shack. He has to make it look like a murder so his estranged son can collect the life insurance. Rogelio has been waiting for the cartel to murder him, but they never showed up...

...When American CAM (30) delivers his first shipment of AR-15s to the cartel, they send him with a gunman to execute Rogelio. They interrupt another suicide attempt and end up drunk, partying the night away THE HANGOVER style...

Next morning they rise realizing that Cam posted a video of them insulting both rival cartels, who have dispatched caravans of hitmen. Worse for Rogelio, his insurance plan ended at midnight...

With the border and airports out of the question, Cam’s only chance out of the country is to catch a boat to Cuba. Rogelio demands Cam’s 500K gun money to deliver him to Cancun. Not only are both cartels on their heels, but also Mexico’s deadliest assassin, LA SOMBRA...


Eugenio Derbez


The suicidal singer.

Zac Efron


The U.S arms dealer that hates Mexico.

Jesús Ochoa


The cartel boss upset he has to change his diet.

Aarón Díaz


The rival cartel boss obsessed with cats and video games.

Michael Peña


Cartel gunman and CAM’s childhood buddy.

Luis Guzmán


who’s afraid to fire his gun.

Omar Chapparo


who’s tired of his partner’s homophobic jokes.

Salma Hayek


Rogelio’s abandoned ex-wife happy cartels are hunting him.

William Levy


The assassin who burns to kill Rogelio for more than money.

This road/action/comedy celebrates the cultural ties between the U.S. and Mexico, while capitalizing on audience fascination with cartels in film and television. Younger and older audience can latch onto our odd couple heroes on the run where it’s Millennial vs. Baby Boomer.

Though the requisite guns, fast cars and fighting keep the stakes high, it’s the comic banter between the heroes and villains that brings the characters to life. The generational friction is also explored by the comic rival cartel bosses, one is tired of the life and battling his weight, while the other is consumed by his video games and kitty cats.  

CARTEL RUN shows off Mexico in a different way as the hot-pursuit crosses beautiful deserts, forests, Mexico City’s modern financial district, jungles, pyramids, and beaches. More ironically, the story highlights Mexico’s hard working citizens helping our heroes escape to America.

Simple Bootstrap Theme


Tommy Musni

Cell | (415) 377-5237

Email | tommymusni@gmail.com

Website | tommymusni.com

James Bland 


Cell | (646) 206-9673